Thursday, May 26, 2005


Vegas baby

Hello sports fans.

I leave for brutally hot Las Vegas on Saturday and must admit, while I've always looked forward to vacation, it's never been like this before. I remind myself every hour that Vegas is only four days away...only three days away...only two days, four hours and fourteen minutes away...

Work makes you do that. Vacation doesnt have a true meaning until you begin full time work. College is a type of vacation, so vacation from college isn't true vacation. If there was another word for 'vacation,' I would have used it in that last sentence. Perhaps 'holiday.' And while I loved holiday with my parents from age 5-18, coming back to see my friends and even going back to school were not dreaded experiences for me. Cheerio!

It's not like going back to work is that bad either, but it will certainly be dreaded. In fact, maybe the only way I won't dread it is if I lose thousands of dollars...'cause then I'll be kinda upset and need to go back to work to earn back the money I lost. Yeah, that's the ticket. I'll lose thousands of dollars! It's foolproof! I'm glad we had this talk.

Well, time for post work nap. This is the first nap I've taken all week. That's THREE early shift days in a row without taking a nap, for the record. But I'm closing my eyes as I type, so I think I'm reaaadddddy t...................

Monday, May 16, 2005


My new life

So I've decided to start a new life. I'll wake up at the crack of dawn, walk around all day, leave work at 2 pm, run and play sports all afternoon, eat a healthy dinner, have an hour or so for life contemplation, and go to sleep before starting all over again. I'll lose weight and get into good shape, walking around all day at work and spending quality hours in the sun, get a nice tan, and find mornings rejuvinating instead of hellish.

Many people would really like that life. Personally, sounds like hell. But that's what I'm going to do. Not by choice, of course, but by the wrath of the gods. And maybe something good will come of it. Day 1 is over and it wasn't half bad. Of course, that's probably because it was Day 1. But having been out of work for 3.5 hours now and still having the sun out is kinda awesome.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Wake up little suzy

So I found out that I have to wake up at 5 am two weeks of every month for the foreseeable future. For those that don't know, I'm as nocturnal as they come. I severely struggle making it to work at 9 am. That's WAY too early.

So, 5 am is laughable. The thought really makes me laugh. And then, cry, very loudly. Like, a pained, dying "Mommy...don't shoot me!" cry.

So, in order to allow my neighbors to sleep and to put an end to all the "when are you going to sit shiva?" questions to my roommate, I need to think of some positives that will come from this.

The obvious one is that, in the summer, I'll be done with work by 2 pm. It's funny to think that I'll have worked a full nine-hour day before I would have normally been awake in college. In fact, on a weekend, if there was one time I was guaranteed to be asleep, it would have to be 5 am-2pm.

Are there any others? I need your help, gumshoes.

Monday, May 02, 2005


Birt'days was the worst days...

Now we sip champagne when we thirst-ay...

Esteemed English major Tekky Andrew-Jaja pointed out to me today that I had not entered my birthday correctly on ''...thus stopping people from realizing tomorrow was the big day.

I was very appreciative of this because it's always exciting to see what people have enough courage to wish me happy birthday despite not talking to me for a few months...I think it shows either a) a sense of caring despite not having kept in touch, b) a show of courage to make contact and break the ice or, the correct answer, c) a half-assed attempt to seem like you care while expending minimal effort, merely to get my hopes up that you're my friend, only to never talk to me again until next May 3rd.

And chances are, that's ok, because I probably don't like you anyway. But I think I'm fairly obvious to those I don't like. So, if I haven't told you to your face 'I DON'T LIKE YOU, YOU FUCKING MORON,' I'd appreciate the facebook message 'happy birthday.'

Unless I know you well enough where that would be really weird. Which, I assume, accounts for the only seven people that read this. So this post has been a waste of time. Like my life. And, most likely, if you're friends with me, yours too.

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