Friday, July 28, 2006


'Scuse me...while I kiss this guy...[ba dahdah,ba dahdah]

I think that's no.1 on most frequently misheard lyrics...

Anyway, 'scuse me..while I talk politics...

So, the UN wants a 72-hour cease fire so they can deliver aid to northern Israel and southern Lebanon...

If they get this, it really brings up the oddity of war. Both sides can just say, "hey man, I'm tired, timeout, ok?" If the UN convinces both sides to stop, what do the soldiers do in the 72 hours? Rest and relaxation? Day spas and casino gambling? And what are they doing on like, hour 71? Don't you think most of the soldiers, after three days off from trying to be killed, might decide that the poker table was kinda better than intense life-threatening warcraft? "Aw man, I gotta go back to war? Shit. OK, double or nothing on this one..." (side note: how useless is the's like this organization is being run by Isiah Thomas...'Hey guys! You and I both know that I'm totally ineffectual, but here I am! Still on the front page...").

Also, predictably, it seems like public opinion is pretty much against Israel on his one, save for the U.S and U.K.. A terrorist organization runs wild in Lebanon, Israel gets sick of it, tries to force the country with the terrorist group to get ahold of its criminals, and the world screams at bully Israel to stop with the guns and shit (Biggie reference there, hope you got it). "Israel, cut it out! I mean, it was only the 27th Hezbollah attack...don't you guys have patience? [Anti-Semetic remark mumbled under breath...]." Yup...around the world, anti-Israel demonstrations. Finally, an excuse to band around our common enemy! A feel good event for all!

Is Israel dumb for potentially ruining the Lebanese government, one of the more friendly governments to American interests? Potentially--but reinforcing its "don't fuck with the Israeli military" image is vital to the success of the country. When surrounded by enemies, you can't put up with shit. Otherwise, your neighbors gain confidence.

The Israeli military, by the way, is like the Green Bay Packers. They are members of a small country's army but the team's pride makes it a top contender every year. People drop whatever they are doing to join the Israeli army. It is a badge of honor, unlike any other military organization I've ever heard of (scarily, the Nazis may be the closest I can think of...). I think of the Israeli army slapping the photo of Vince Lombardi every time they get ready for combat.

Perhaps I'm biased beyond reform, but every time Israel is involved in a conflict, it sure seems to me that it's only in retaliation--difficult to get too upset with a country just trying to defend itself. If the response is tough, well, maybe you shouldn't have fucked with the motherfucker to begin with...

Personally I can't listen to "blinded by the light" because the next line is so clearly, "wrapped up like a douche into the middle of the night." That's not the actual lyric, of course, but that is all I can hear, and the word "douche" is emphasized in the song so it's impossible to ignore.
Yes, I believe the lyric is most certainly wrapped up like a douche"...but I've actually always heard the lyric as "wrapped up like a douche--er like a rudder in the night."
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