Tuesday, May 02, 2006


The moment of truth....

I'm just one day away from my personal moment of truth:

How many facebook "Happy birthday!" messages will I get? It's how I judge my life. Five or more...hello self-esteem. One or zero...hello blood, tears and possibly spewing brain matter.

In other news, the NFL Draft was a great time, highlighted by my sitting behind the mothers of Donovon McNabb, Jerome Bettis and 49ers defensive tackle Anthony Adams (they were all wearing the sons' NFL jerseys...they apparently go every year to the draft because it's the place where their lives changed (i.e. got ridiculously rich)).

Also, please try and watch Stephen Colbert's speech at the White House Correspondent's Dinner if you can. The audience non-reaction to his entire 25-minute speech is priceless. Aghast is too mellow of a word for their reaction--the camera did a great job of catching President Bush's consistent scowl (and occasional checking of his watch).

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