Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Britney Pregnant One More Time

Cnn.com, congrats on that headline. Phenominal. I typically hate you, Cnn.com, but that headline is genius.

The actor who plays House should win every TV award for best actor for as long as the show is on the air. Have you heard him speak in real life? The dude has a thick British accent...how is that possible? You're risking your patient's life!

The Ben Stein Ferris Bueller Verizon commercial also wins points in my book. Stein hasn't aged at all in 20 years. Pretty impressive.

I now have accrued over 500 dollars in parking tickets this year. Unreal. I'm a huge idiot.

I probably have some deep thoughts to get out on paper, but...yeah, I got nothin. This was mostly a desperate attempt to keep some readers on board so that, one day, I can actually have some people read something somewhat interesting.

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