Friday, March 03, 2006


A break from nihilism to enjoy the scenery

You know, most of the time, I'm disappointed in people--on an individual level, that is. The trouble is they are usually too nice, which is boring, and thus leads me to disappointment.

But I wanted to interrupt my consistent people bashing with an important message. People are awesome.

I was thinking today about how buying a large DVD collection is probably dumb because technology will advance so much in 10 years that DVDs will be archane.

I realized that I think of "technology" as a natural occurrence--like the sun coming up. But really, it's just a bunch of ridiculously smart people doing crazy things with intangible ideas and making inventions that people can only imagine.

"That's awesome!" - Nye, Bill. Science Guy. 1998. PBS.

Seriously...there are so many people on this earth. I mean, I know a lot of smart, well educated people...but I can honestly say I don't think I know anyone who is going to invent the cell phone that also plays movies, broadcasts live TV, checks my email when I ask it to and reads my mind, automatically dialing when I want to speak to someone. But someone's gonna do that. And others are going to help and almost do, for every success, there have to be a ton of near failures too. But each of those will...

"I lost my train of thought." Costanza, Frank. Seinfeld. 1996.

So, here's to you, people. I think you're great, as a species. I'm going to start studying for the GREs pretty soon (LSATs weren't enough...), so here's an anology to chew over.

PEOPLE : INDIVIDUAL as ... ummm...

"I lost my train of thought." Costanza, Frank. Seinfeld. 1996.

I sometimes find myself feeling extreme respect for the human race, and marvelling at how the economy works. As a professional poker player, I do essentially nothing productive for society. However, I can always depend on there being someone willing to provide me with goods and services that I desire in exchange for money that I have simply won playing poker. WhenI think about it, this amazes me. People are awesome.

Like you, however, I am pretty sure I wouldn't like any of these people if I knew them personally.
1. That's not how you spell scenery. My respect for the human race just plummeted.

2. My mom went to high school with Bill Nye the Science Guy. Sidwell class of '73. He was, per her report, nice but extremely nerdy. How that translated into his menacing, brutish on-screen personality the world will never know.
yeah...can't say I check over these posts...I miss spellcheck, a devise made by human beings. I respect that.
Anna, do you find that correcting people's spelling and grammar has no effect other than to make them dislike you? I used to do this, too, but I decided I could put up with grammatical inaccuracies in exchange for not being disliked quite so much. I guess you have more perseverance than I do.
Funny, just realized I wrote "devise" instead of "device"...I don't check over my comments either...
I'm kind of dislikable anyway, so I figure I've got nothing to lose.
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