Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Wow, this is a great day

1) BEAUTY AND THE GEEK IS BACK ON! The last season of this was, honestly, the best reality show I've ever seen. Richard, the show's main character, was the funniest person I've seen on TV, real or scripted, in 10 years. He is the next comic genius, I'm telling you.

2) The band "Morningwood" has reached mainstream status to the degree that commercials on network TV stations casually announce "Morningwood!" as some wussy pop song plays in the background. I have a feeling that there are a lot of very stuffy shirts running the FCC if they're not OK with the Rolling Stones singing their damn everyone-in-the-fucking-US-already-knows-them lyrics but are OK with proclaiming, "MORNINGWOOD!" during commercials that reach 10s of millions of people...

3) From now on, when I refer to reefer, I'm going to call it 'the Profound,' since everything said to you while on it is profound. I'm gonna reach Snoop Dogg legend status with this one. Ima be cited in rap music videos and referenced in college stoner movies.

4) Does 'Diddy' actually appeal to anyone? Is Pepsi crazy or genius for making this guy the front man for the company? Maybe I'm so out of touch with the company's target audience that I'm totally wrong on this one, but doesn't everyone think that this guy sucks? And...why would you hire Carson Daly? Is Pepsi trying NOT to sell its products? Why in God's name are these the two people they are paying? (Diddy, if you read, please don't kill me. Seriously, I'm sorry, I never met you, just...don't hurt me. Carson, whatever, bring it on).

5) Chai tea. Ain't nuthin' wrong with that.

Fuck you, Alex. Fuck you.
Fuck you, Alex. Actually, fuck me. Please.
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