Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Some Top 5 Lists

I've learned a lot in the past couple years, sometimes when sober.

One of the things I've learned is that everyone likes a good list, and most people will settle for a bad list.

So, here's a few [choose your own adjective] lists from my brain to yours. I'll do "Top 5s" and count down to increase the drama.

Top 5 Fantasy Jobs:

5. Crooner who occasionally is seen wearing bowler hat

4. Food critic with fast metabolism

3. Late Night talk show host

2. Jazz Pianist

1. Game show host

Top 5 TV Theme Songs:

5. Roseanne

4. What's Happening!!

3. The Critic

2. The Greatest American Hero

1. Press Your Luck

Top 5 WWF Wrestlers:

5. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

4. George 'The Animal' Steele

3. Mr. Perfect (Curt Henning)

2. Ted Dibiase

1. Koko B. Ware

Top 5 Annual Events I Look Forward to Each Year:

5. Tu B'Shevat (that's a joke...please, no comments from Orthodox Jews)

4. The Oscars

3. NFL Draft

2. March Madness

1. Fantasy Baseball Draft

I am offended. Tu B'Shevat is my second favorite holiday, right after Shmenatzeretz. (I love that little guy.)
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