Thursday, February 23, 2006


At long last, a solution

So, I'd say most people think I'm fairly cynical and a misanthrope, and I guess I am. However, I've only chosen to act this way because it neatly fits the way I think. Sometimes I think I simply have high expectations of people that are not met and other times I think I'm too harsh on most human beings and should give them more of a chance.

I've struggled with this before, and honestly, I don't want to hate most people. I like having friends. Lots of them. I talk to my friends quite often and do things with them. They are fun to have around.

But only about 1 in 15 people can meet my basic qualifications for "reasonable, interesting person." And I've finally realized why.

I am perfect. My friends are simply the closest thing to perfection that's around. So, congrats, friends. You all should be proud of youselves. Winning my friendship, I'd say, is about as hard as applying and getting into the combination of Harvard grad, Yale law and Harvard med, all before the age of 26.

The rest of you all just suck, as people. That's the answer. You all suck.

First of all, if I'm among those near-perfect individuals, I'd just like to say thanks for the vote of confidence. If I'm not, I'd just like to say that you are an enormous asshole.

Secondly, I met somebody the other day who advocates (a) eugenics and (b) telling people who can't support themselves and their families to shoot themselves. I can actually imagine you saying both of these things, but I think you would be at least somewhat facetious, whereas this person was not. So basically, don't flatter yourself -- you're not quite at the extremes of the misanthropy scale. Sorry.
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