Sunday, July 10, 2005


Follow me...Follow me to freedom!

I must admit, despite the fact that Charlie Steiner once pointed at me during a Harvard/Yale football game and yelled to those in earshot, "Can somebody shut that kid up?", Mr. Steiner struck gold with his great Sportscenter commercial quote Ned Ryerson from Groundhog Day, it was a doooozzziee!

I must admit I enjoy cursing without the fear of being edited. It's a lot better than the old March to the Sea, where I focused most of my rage against Brenda Lee. Now, I can express my rage against many more people--Jews, Blacks...whatever I feel like! It's great! I can finally relate with Bob Saget's stand-up routine. Fuck! Haha! I swore and the word remained on the page!

I must admit it's late and while I had high hopes for this blog post, it fizzled quickly. In fact, it didn't even begin. I was going to write about all the White House Congressmen I've been sleeping with. Sorry Ben and Theresa. And perhaps Jeremy, since I assume he's constantly keeping tabs on 500-700 people per day.

I must admit this blog is beginning to suck. I will try to do much better next time.

I must admit that last statement is painfully dishonest.

I think the best part about it is that, if I remember correctly, he has his tie tied around his head while he says it.
Ah, Anna too...a fourth reader. I knew I had one more.
You might notice I visit this sight like twenty times a day. That's because I waste a lot of at work just clicking on various links even if I know nothing will have changed since the last time I looked at them.
Also, Alex, I remember back in the day you never used to swear. Now you swear as much as the next guy. Can you write a blog post explaining the transformation?
I can explain that transformation in one word: Gradual bitter alcohol-induced depression.
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