Monday, May 02, 2005


Birt'days was the worst days...

Now we sip champagne when we thirst-ay...

Esteemed English major Tekky Andrew-Jaja pointed out to me today that I had not entered my birthday correctly on ''...thus stopping people from realizing tomorrow was the big day.

I was very appreciative of this because it's always exciting to see what people have enough courage to wish me happy birthday despite not talking to me for a few months...I think it shows either a) a sense of caring despite not having kept in touch, b) a show of courage to make contact and break the ice or, the correct answer, c) a half-assed attempt to seem like you care while expending minimal effort, merely to get my hopes up that you're my friend, only to never talk to me again until next May 3rd.

And chances are, that's ok, because I probably don't like you anyway. But I think I'm fairly obvious to those I don't like. So, if I haven't told you to your face 'I DON'T LIKE YOU, YOU FUCKING MORON,' I'd appreciate the facebook message 'happy birthday.'

Unless I know you well enough where that would be really weird. Which, I assume, accounts for the only seven people that read this. So this post has been a waste of time. Like my life. And, most likely, if you're friends with me, yours too.

It's nice to see that you're starting the year on such a cheery note. If you really want to reveal facebook hypocrisy, though, try switching your birthday around every once in a while. You will not be disappointed.

P.S. I didn't know it was your birthday, but, you know, enjoy it.
P.P.S. I was in Tekky's American lit. section last year. He typed all his papers in Comic MS. I consider this nothing short of awesome.
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