Sunday, April 10, 2005


Ann Aaaahbahh

This shit's wicked retaaded.

[Add transition here].

I used to do that a lot when writing essays--the [add transition here] thing when I knew I should segue but didn't know how. One time, I sent the wrong version of a final paper to a college professor--a version that contained numerous brackets, including one that said [ADD MORE SHIT HERE]. My professor graded the paper as my final effort. In his explanation of my grade (a B-), he did admit that 'you seem to have many thoughts that do not end...[In] some areas, it appears you have not finished paragraphs.' True story, Hansel.

I just flew back from Michigan...and boy are my legs tired, since I had to sit on that plane for three hours.

It was a lot of fun. My friends Adam and Theresa showed me a good time for a few days, which was a very needed vacation from my everyday life. I like Ann Arbor a lot in the Spring. If I visited Michigan in April, I'd want to go there. If I visited in any other month during their school year, I'd want to kill myself...slightly wound myself...not go to Michigan. But it's a cool college town when it's nice out...people eating outside, an enormous group of college kids going to local 'hang-outs'...seems like I would have enjoyed myself if I went there--for one month, at least.

Man, it's hard writing this with the option of watching baseball on TV. My roommate Steve and I have purchased the baseball package for the MLB season, so we get nearly every game. The A's are on now and are losing 10-2. And yet, I still feel compelled to watch. I've never been able to see the A's play all that much, so I'm really looking forward to seeing them nearly every night this year. I'll be like one of those sports fans who roots for his home team! My dream...

Damn you Eric Byrnes. Fly out to end the 7th.

I've gotta get back in shape for the summer. I'm thinking about trying a diet for the first time in my life. I'm 100% sure I don't have the willpower. I was actually going to try and start today. I was in the shower, thinking, "OK...Today is the day I change my life forever. I'm gonna get in good shape and find a really hot girlfriend this summer and marry her and have two kids and cool big dog." So, no carbs today, and I'll get that.

I had four cookies, a piece of cake, four pieces of bread, some white rice for dinner, and then I poured a four-pound bag of starch down my throat.

So, I'm thinking tomorrow will be the day I start. And then...perfect life.

I'm gunning for three cookies tomorrow. I have so little will power, it's amazing. I honestly think that if I was hungry enough and had to choose between a life of happiness or an oven-hot chocolate chip cookie, I'd choose the cookie, with the hope of quickly taking the happiness too before the guy who offered me the deal had a chance to take it back.

[Now eating fifth cookie of day]. This cookie is great.

[Done with cookie]. I have zee buyer's remorse.

Bobby Kielty's up!

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